Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jackass 3D "I Fuckin' Hate You Guys!" **SPOILER**

Watching Jackass 3D is like a bad drug habit you can't kick. You want some more, and you just can't get enough. You know its wrong, you know it will make you sick, you know you will be rolling on the ground laughing! Johnny Knoxville and company do it once more as they come together pulling stunts on ranches, lakes, above-the-ground swimming pools, on the set or office no land is safe!

Pieces of shit and dildos flying at your face, not the 3D experience you were expecting?

Jason Acuna AKA Wee-Man is such a sport he gets down and performs a 69 with Preston Lacy!

Johnny Knoxville comes alive dressed like an old man, getting away with so much shit, like kissing his "grandaughter" and "crashing" thru a window pane at a dealership with a scooter!

How can you not laugh when you have a whole bunch of midgets in one room? The fun will escalate as these midgets barge into a bar as a gang, police men, and paramedics.

Super glue should never be applied to skin but these jackass's dare to push the limit even further as Bam Magera superglues his palms to his fathers chest. There is a look of disgust as Bam detaches his palms as they start calling him, "Hairy Hands".

What's to expect when you're looking at your friend about to hit you with a baseball on your nut sack? Steve-o begins whining, "Oh Fuck, Why do I have to be Steve-o?".

Super glue, with a side of  taser/cattle prod taser obstacle course and a large constant public urination and anything fecal shake please? My friend is going to have, Chris Pontius penis bat practice and an X-tra Large bungee shit stunt to end it all!

There is the other side tho, and these guys are really getting hurt out there. Its amazing to see them get up right after the most gruesome stunts. Johnny Knoxville takes some hits as he gets rushed by a bull and he also drives a jet ski over some bushes and lands very badly. Bam Magera is thrown into a pit of snakes and cries for the second time in Jackass history. Lamborghini Tooth Pull, has to be the worst, it sounds like what it really is.

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