Saturday, March 19, 2011

chaotic mental exsistance

I love how Canada has a maple on thier flag...they can pretty much put a maple leaf on anything and automatically we assume that it is Canadian. WTF we have a fuckin we have to draw stars n stripes on shit, thats so lame...I've been wanting to be Canadian. I will make the change I don't give a Fuck if I was born in the United States. I'd be so proud to be Canadian I will tattoo a Maple Leaf on my forehead! haha not really. But on a serious note i would very much so like the idea of living and becoming Canadian. And when shit goes wrong who blames Canada? The U.S. gets blamed for everything even when its about other countries. Canada is the Future!

i think best when there is a lot of noise. i have learned to block out noise. u call it noise i call it peacefulness.

i once had a dream about some winning lottery numbers....and when i woke up i couldn't remember them.

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